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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Cisco Systems \ (CSR11U-CC) Collaboration Systems Release 11 Update- Contact Center
(CSR11U-CC) Collaboration Systems Release 11 Update- Contact Center
Код курса: CSR11U-CC
Кому следует посетить
- Support Engineers
- Deployment Engineers
- Administrators who need to know specific features and implementation that have been added in Cisco Collaboration Suite – up to Cisco Collaboration System Release 11.0
Предварительные требования
- Prior to attending this course, you should have a good understanding of Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 8.0 and Cisco Unified CCX version 8.0 or higher.
- You will also need to be familiar with Contact Center operations
Цели курса
- List the different features introduced in Cisco Unified CCX releases 9.x, 10.x and 11.x, as well as deprecated features.
- Describe Cisco Unified CCX, the components, and desktops.
- Describe how to use Finesse Administration to customize a contact center and implement Call Recording with MediaSense.
- Apply advanced scripting techniques to use Context Service.
- Describe how to install, configure, and use real-time and historical reports.
- Describe outbound dialing, dialing modes, configurations, and how to use the Cisco Outbound Dialer.
- Describe how to configure and use Agent Email and Agent Web Chat.
Содержание курса
This 1-day course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of Cisco Unified CCX Release 11.x to include the implementation of various features including Cisco Finesse, Cisco MediaSense Recording and Monitoring, Cisco Context Service, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, Outbound Dialer, Agent Email and Agent Web Chat. This course is a follow on to and builds on the content included in CSR11U.
Программа курса
Module-1:Review of Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Release 11.xr
- Cisco Unified CCX Product Overview
- Cisco Unified CCX Architecture
- Installing and Upgrading Unified CCX
Module-2: Cisco Unified CCX ACD Operations
- Implementing Cisco Unified CCX
- Using Finesse Administration and Call Recording
- Cisco Context Service
- Using Cisco Unified CCX Reports
Module-3: Cisco Unified CCX Premium Functions
- Configuring the Outbound Dialer
- Configuring Agent Email and Agent Web Chat
Дни | 1 день |
Дата курса | По запросу |
Город | Все города |
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Cisco SystemsРешения для совместной работыУнифицированные коммуникацииУнифицированный контакт-центрВидео / TelePresence