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(DCUCD) Проектирование решений в области виртуализации центров обработки данных (v.5.0) (Партнеры)
Кому следует посетить
Проектировщикам сетей, сетевым администраторам, инженерам, программистам и менеджерам проектов.
Этот курс является частью следующих программ сертификаций:
- Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist
- Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center (CCNP Data Center)
Предварительные требования
- Действующий статус CCNA;
- MDS 9x00, Nexus 5000, Nexus 7000, Catalyst 6500, а также знание ACE на уровне инженера;
- Сертификация VMWare уровня Professional;
- Опыт внедрения Cisco Data Center Unified Computing;
- Знания в объеме курсов DCSNS, DCNID.
Цели курса
- Дать описание решений Cisco по виртуализации ЦОД;
- Дать оценку существующей инфраструктуре ЦОД в свете решения по виртуализации ЦОД от Cisco;
- Определить требования, необходимые для реализации решения Cisco по виртуализации ЦОД;
- Рассмотреть спроектированные решения Cisco по виртуализации ЦОД на основе представленных требований.
Содержание курса
Курс призван научить инженеров проектированию масштабируемых, надежных, интеллектуальных ЦОД, на базе Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS), коммутаторов семейства Nexus, коммутаторов Catalyst 6500 в системе Virtual Switching System (VSS), семейства коммутаторов MDS для SAN с NX-OS, с использованием системы Data Center Network Manager (DCNM), а также приложений для конфигурации и управления MDS Fabric Manager, продуктов по виртуализации VMware server и операционных систем Linux и Microsoft Windows.
В курсе рассматривается решение Cisco Data Center Unified Computing, даны разъяснения по оценке инфраструктуры существующего ЦОД, определению требований и дизайну Cisco Data Center Unified Computing на основе вышеперечисленных продуктов Cisco.
Программа курса
1: Cisco Data Center Solution Architecture and Components
- Identifying Data Center Solution
- Recognize elements of data center computing solutions
- Understand the consolidation data center trend
- Understand the virtualization data center trend
- Evaluate business challenges of the contemporary data center solutions
- Evaluate environmental challenges of the contemporary data center solutions
- Evaluate technical challenges of the contemporary data center solutions
- Identifying Data Center Applications
- Recognize data center application examples
- Recognize server virtualization characteristics
- Recognize desktop virtualization characteristics
- Identifying Cloud Computing
- The lesson includes these topics or topic (enabling) objectives:
- Evaluate cloud computing solutions
- Recognize cloud computing deployment models
- Compare cloud computing service categories
- Understand cloud computing aspects
- Identifying Cisco Data Center Architecture and Components
- Evaluate the Cisco Data Center architectural framework
- Evaluate the Cisco Data Center architectural framework Unified Fabric
- Recognize the Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric equipment
- Evaluate the Cisco Data Center architectural framework compute component
- Recognize Cisco Validated Designs
2: Assess Data Center Computing Requirements
- Defining a Cisco Unified Computing System Solution Design
- Describe the design process for the Cisco Unified Computing solution
- Evaluate design process phases
- Recognize the deliverables for the Cisco Unified Computing solution
- Analyzing Computing Solutions Characteristics
- Identify performance characteristics
- Assess server virtualization performance characteristics
- Assess desktop virtualization performance characteristics
- Assess requirements for small VMware vSphere deployment example
- Assess requirements for small Microsoft Hyper-V deployment example
- Assess requirements for VMware View VDI deployment example
- Employing Data Center Analysis Tools
- Evaluate reconnaissance and analysis tools
- Perform existing computing solution analysis with VMware Capacity Planner
- Perform VMware vSphere analysis with VMware Capacity IQ
- Perform existing computing solution analysis with MAP toolkit
- Perform TCO/ROI analysis with Cisco UCS TCO/ROI Advisor
3: Size Cisco Unified Computing Solutions
- Sizing Cisco UCS C-Series Server Solution
- Recognize general Cisco UCS C-series server selection steps
- Select proper hardware components to integrate UCS C-series server with UCS Manager
- Select proper Cisco UCS C-series server hardware based on the requirements for a given small VMware vSphere environment
- Select proper Cisco UCS C-series server hardware based on the requirements for a given small Microsoft Hyper-V environment
- Sizing Cisco UCS B-Series Server Solution
- Recognize general Cisco UCS B-series server selection steps
- Select proper Cisco UCS servers based on the requirements for a given desktop virtualization solution
- Planning Unified Computing Deployment
- Recognize Power Calculator tool
- Propose physical deployment plan
4: Design Cisco Unified Computing Solutions
- Designing Unified Computing Network
- Recognize network operational modes of the Cisco UCS 6200 Series Fabric Interconnects
- Recognize Layer 2 disjoint domains
- Define the network high availability mechanisms for Cisco UCS 6200 Series Fabric Interconnects
- Define the VM-FEX requirements for Cisco UCS
- Designing Unified Computing Storage
- Recognize SAN operational modes of Cisco UCS 6200 Series Fabric Interconnects
- Understand SAN Connectivity
- Define the SAN high availability mechanisms for Cisco UCS 6200 Series Fabric Interconnects
- Recognize SAN Scalability Options
- Designing Virtual Access Layer
- Identify and describe the Cisco Nexus 1000V
- Identify and describe Cisco Nexus 1000V integration with VMware vCenter
5: Design Cisco Unified Computing Solutions Server Deployment
- Designing Cisco UCS Server Deployment
- Identify server deployment aspects
- Define the common naming convention for given solutions
- Define the UUID addressing for given solutions
- Define the MAC addressing for given solutions
- Define the WWN addressing for given solutions
- Define the common policies for hosts of a given solutions
- Designing Unified Computing Management
- Define the Cisco UCS management access
- Define the organizational hierarchy within Cisco UCS configuration
- Define the remote management connectivity characteristics
6: Cisco Unified Computing Solution Applications
- Unified Communications on Cisco UCS
- Recognize Unified Communications application
- Assess Unified Communications performance characteristics
- Select Cisco UCS hardware for Unified Communications solution
- Distributed Computing on Cisco UCS
- Recognize distributed computing applications
- Understand Hadoop architecture
- Assess Hadoop performance characteristics
- Design Cisco UCS for Greenplum MR Hadoop solution
Appendixes: Creating Cisco UCS Solution BOM
- Creating Cisco UCS Solution BOM
- Create Cisco UCS C-series server solution BoM with Online Configurator
- Create Cisco UCS C-series server solution BoM with Netformx DesignXpert
- Create Cisco UCS B-series server solution BoM with Netformx DesignXpert
Course Labs
- Lab 2-1: Analyze the Existing Computing Solution
- Lab 3-1: Design Cisco UCS C-series Solution
- Lab 3-2: Design Cisco UCS B-series Solution
- Lab 3-3: Plan the Physical Deployment
- Lab 4-1: Design Microsoft Hyper-V Deployment on Cisco UCS
- Lab 4-2: Design VMware vSphere Deployment and Integration with Cisco UCS
- Lab 5-1: Design VMware vSphere Deployment on Cisco UCS and Cisco Nexus 1000V
Дни | 4 дня |
Город | Все города / Санкт-Петербург / Москва |
Формат обучения | Гарантированный курс |