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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Cisco Systems \ (IOTSS-UTL) Internet of Things Security SE Workshop – Utilities Vertical

(IOTSS-UTL) Internet of Things Security SE Workshop – Utilities Vertical

Код курса: IOTSS-UTL
(0 голосов)
475 131 р.
ПроизводительCisco Systems
Дни4 дня
Дата курса

Кому следует посетить

Upon completion of Fast Lane’s Internet of Things Security SE Enablement – Utilities Vertical, Cisco security professionals will gain a fundamental understanding on how to develop a zero trust security model within an IT/OT Converged ICS/OT environment, incorporating the very latest in Cisco’s IoT Portfolio of security solutions.

Предварительные требования

  • Participants should have a CCNP Security or the equivalent in experience
  • Complete the Industrial Control Systems Fundamentals for Network Engineers (ICINS) E-Learning
  • Complete the Internet of Things Sales Engineer Workshop – Utilities Program.

Цели курса

  • Understand the differences between the security requirements in an ICS/OT environment versus a traditional IT environment, as it pertains to the growing trend of IT/OT Convergence within Utilities
  • Understand how NERC-CIP, NIST and other Utility specific regulations impact Design, Deployment and Operations of ICS/OT environments within the Utilities Vertical.
  • Gain foundational knowledge of the IoT Security Architecture Framework and the Zero-Trust Security Architecture model across lifecycle phases for ICS/OT environments
  • Build a Bill of Materials (BOM) for an IT/OT Converged Security implementation
  • Practice an IoT Security customer conversation

Содержание курса

Industrial Control systems (ICS), SCADA and OT networks operating within regulated Utility environments are held accountable to ever stringent NIST and NERC-CIP guidelines and mandates. This stems from the broader Smart Grid initiatives pervading the Utilities Industry. The next evolution in the Smart Grid story is the emergence of IT/OT Convergence, driving migration away from proprietary protocols to common TCP/IP network infrastructures. This shift does not come without consequences: ICS/OT critical infrastructure environments are more than ever susceptible to a greater range of security threats and attacks. 
Fast Lane’s Internet of Things Security SE Workshop – Utilities Vertical is an immersive program for Cisco’s valued partners, providing a detailed understanding of the unique security challenges within ICS/OT Utility environments and the corresponding mitigating strategies. Participants will understand how to design and articulate a zero-trust security architecture vision leveraging Cisco’s comprehensive security portfolio, including the Next Generation ASA Firewall services running FirePOWER services and Advanced Malware Protection (AMP). Additionally, they will gain a deep understanding on how to align and address the relevant security use cases from Cisco’s IoT Portfolio specific to the Utilities vertical.

Программа курса

Module 1: Introduction to ICS/OT Security

Objective: Understanding the current security model and regulatory guidelines governing Utilities

  • Current security model within ICS/OT Utilities Vertical
  • Differences in Security Requirements between OT and IT
  • Why the traditional OT Security Framework is not a viable security enabling option
  • Overview of Compliance and Regulatory (such NERC-CIP and NIST) standards, mandates and Guidelines on ICS/OT environment specific to Utilities

Module 2: Understand the Zero-Trust IoT Model for ICS/OT environments

Module Objective: Understand how the Cisco Portfolio of Security Solutions can deliver an IT/OT converged Zero-Trust ICS/OT environment for Utilities

  • Deep dive into the Zero Trust IT/OT Converged Security Model within security zones:
    • Data Center
    • Control Center
    • Field Aggregation Network
    • Substation Network
    • Automated Metering Infrastructure Network
  • Understand the IoT Security Lifecycle Service delivery structure around:
    • Planning
    • Design
    • Testing
    • Commissioning
    • Operating
  • Understand the IoT Security Risk Control Framework for IT/OT Converged environments
    • NIST Risk Management Framework
    • Asset Inventory and Management
    • PCN Access and Control
    • System Patches
    • Security Log Collection and Management
    • Proactive Monitoring
    • Backup and Restore
  • Explore the role of an Integrated Security Operations Center (ISOC) Role for IT/OT Converged environments in Utilities
    • Functional Blocks
    • Integration Methodology
  • Explore the relevant Use Cases and their References

Module 3: IoT Security Case Study Workshop

Module Objective: Understand the Cisco Portfolio of Security Solutions and their use cases within Utilities

  • Facilitated Application Workshops: Group Activity: Customer Role-play— highlighting relevant Cisco IoT Security solutions and the business benefit to the customer; articulating the technical and business value of the Cisco IoT Security Solutions
  • Self-Directed Workshop: Exercise using Zero Trust IT/OT Converged Security Model to build a Bill of Materials (BOM)
Дни4 дня
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