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(OGGV12cE) Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 12c: Essentials

Код курса: OGGV12cE
(0 голосов)
22 350 р.
Дни1 день
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

What you will learn

This Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 12c: Essentials training teaches you all about the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server that coordinates processing and initiates database comparisons. You'll explore the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent that communicates with the database and the GoldenGate Veridata Web that acts as a client to the server.

Learn To:

  • Install Veridata on a Linux platform.
  • Configure Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.
  • Run simple and complex compares to verify data synchronization.
  • Identify and correct maybe-out-of-sync (MOOS) and confirmed-out-of-sync (COOS) data without interrupting ongoing transactions. 
  • Schedule manual and automatic repairs of out-of-sync conditions.

    Benefits to You

    By taking this course, you'll develop expertise that you didn't have before using Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 12c. As a result, you'll be able to better leverage this solution to help you achieve your business goals.


Цель курса:


  • Identify the prerequisite hardware and software to run Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 12c
  • Install Veridata on a Linux platform
  • Configure Veridata to communicate with a source and target Oracle 12c database while using an Oracle 12c database repository
  • Run simple and complex compares to verify data synchronization
  • Schedule manual and automatic repairs of out-of-sync conditions


Аудитория курса:


  • Data Modelers
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Warehouse Administrator
  • Data Warehouse Analyst
  • Data Warehouse Developer

Программа курса:

Introducing Oracle GoldenGate Veridata
Listing the Class Administration Schedule. Describing the Architecture.

Listing the Hardware Requirements. Listing the Software Requirements.

Installing Veridata
Using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). Using the WebLogic Server (WLS) Domain Wizard.

Configuring Veridata
Configuring the Connections. Configuring the Agents. Configuring the Security Parameters.

Running Simple Compares
Configuring the Compare Pairs. Configuring the Groups. Configuring the Jobs. 

Running Complex Compares
Configuring Mismatched Table Names. Configuring Mismatched Column Names. Configuring Mismatched Row Data.

Repairing COOS Manually
Viewing Details. Repairing the Target Data.

Automating Tasks
Using the Command Line Utilities. Scripting the Creation of Repository Objects.

Дни1 день
Дата курсаПо запросу
ГородВсе города
Формат обученияКорпоративный
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