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(OSBCT) Oracle SBC Troubleshooting

Код курса: OSBCT
(0 голосов)
187 500 р.
Дни5 дней
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

What you will learn

No hands-on lab environment for the TOD course format.This Oracle SBC Troubleshooting training course is designed for Tier-1 and Tier-2 technical support professionals. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to effectively troubleshoot problems with SIP call flows through the Oracle Communication SBCs series.

Learn To:

  • Use and explain the various troubleshooting tools available.
  • Troubleshoot boot and power-on problems.
  • Confirm normal SBC operation and isolate problems to within the SBC or external to it.
  • Troubleshoot signaling issues.
  • Troubleshoot media issues.
  • Describe the preferred troubleshooting methodology, which helps you expedite the fault isolation process.

    Benefits to You:

    By enrolling in this course, you'll get a chance to deep dive into call flows through the Oracle Communication Session border Controller (SBC) series configuration. By learning through a combination of interactive instruction, discussion and hands-on labs, you'll solidify your learning so you can apply it to your daily job.

    Explore Troubleshooting Interfaces

    This course also correlates this information to available troubleshooting interfaces. These interfaces include SNMP traps, alarms, ACLI output, network protocol analyzer output and logs.

    Related Training
    Required Prerequisites
  • Oracle SBC Configuration and Administration Ed1


Цель курса:


  • Troubleshoot hardware and networking related issues
  • Master the relevant troubleshooting tools and techniques
  • Monitor and troubleshoot signaling issues
  • Monitor and troubleshoot media issues
  • Monitor and troubleshoot high availability issues


Аудитория курса:


  • Support Engineer
  • System Integrator

Программа курса:

Troubleshooting Hardware and the Network
Boot the Session Border Controller (SBC) and monitor the boot process. Identify and resolve boot issues. Identify and resolve hardware issues. Identify and troubleshoot network issues. Identify and troubleshoot system issues.

Session Border Controller Review
Reviewing signaling. Reviewing media handling. Reviewing configuration. Building, testing and verifying a "from scratch" configuration.

Troubleshooting Tools
Using the alarm system and syslog. Using SNMP. Using ACLI commands as troubleshooting tools. Using the SBC logging functions and log files. Using the built-in Packet Trace feature. Using Call Detail Records (CDRs). Using Historical Data Recording (HDR). 

Troubleshooting Signaling Problems
Monitoring and troubleshooting signaling by using ACLI commands. Troubleshooting registration issues. Troubleshooting session agents related issues. Troubleshooting policy-based routing. 

Troubleshooting Media Problems
Concepts review: media flows, media timers, NAT entries. The Middbox-Box Control Daemon (MBCD). Troubleshooting media problems. 

Troubleshooting High Availability mechanism issues 
Brief review of the HA mechanism. Checkpointing. HA states and state transitions. HA connectivity. Troubleshooting HA.

Дни5 дней
Дата курсаПо запросу
ГородВсе города
Формат обученияКорпоративный
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