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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Oracle \ (R12xBOFA) R12.x Extend Oracle Applications: Building OA Framework Applications

(R12xBOFA) R12.x Extend Oracle Applications: Building OA Framework Applications

Код курса: R12xBOFA
(0 голосов)
212 475 р.
Дни5 дней
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

This R12.X Framework Applications training teaches you methods & tools that E-Business Suite developers use to create OA Framework-based pages. Complete a full-featured application that queries, inserts, updates & deletes data from an instance.

Learn To:

  • Describe the concepts and details of the MVC design pattern
  • Create a query, drill-down, create, delete, and update to an E-Business Suite instance
  • Use E-Business Suite security in conjunction with OA Framework applications
  • Describe OA Framework development standards

    Suggested Prerequisite
  • E-Business Suite development and debugging
  • Java programming
  • J2EE programming
  • E-Business Suite system administration


Цель курса:


  • Complete a basic query page (SELECT)
  • Complete a basic drill-down page (SELECT)
  • Complete a basic create page (INSERT)
  • Complete a basic delete page (DELETE)
  • Complete a single-page update page (UPDATE)
  • Complete a multi-page update (UPDATE)
  • Understand the foundational concepts and standards of OA Framework-based applications and pages


Аудитория курса:


  • J2EE Developer
  • Application Developers
  • Java Developers
  • Developer
  • Sales Consultants
  • Sales Consultants
  • Sales Consultants
  • Technical Consultant

Программа курса:

Introduction to OA Framework
Additional Resources. Foundation Knowledge. Important Terminology. Agenda. 

Concepts of the MVC Design Pattern
JSPs and OA Framework. Concepts of the Controller. Concepts of the View. Concepts of the Model. 

Basics of the Model
Applications Modules. BC4J Database Interactions. Entity Objects. View Objects. BC4J Model. Other BC4J Objects. 

Basics of the View
View-layer Components. Items. Attributes Sets. Workspaces and Projects. CSS Styles. Pages and Regions. 

Basics of the Controller
Handling POSTs. Handling GETs. Lab. Common Controller tasks.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

OA Framework State Management

Introduction to JDeveloper 10g with OA Extension

Implementing a Query Page and Drill Down Page

Implementing a Create Page

Implementing a Delete Page

Implementing an Update Page

OA Framework Development Concepts and Standards

Deploying OA Framework Applications
Guided Demo - Deploying Personalizations. Guided Demo - Deploying Extensions. 

Дни5 дней
Дата курсаПо запросу
ГородВсе города
Формат обученияКорпоративный
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