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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Oracle \ (R12xIM) R12.x Inventory Management/Bill of Material & Engineering Accel

(R12xIM) R12.x Inventory Management/Bill of Material & Engineering Accel

Код курса: R12xIM
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198 594 р.
Дни5 дней
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

What you will learn

This course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1. This class focuses on the features, functions and benefits of the Oracle Inventory application. Students will learn how to set up items, how to use the various inventory controls available, how to do transactions, transfers, and inventory moves, inventory replenishment, cycle counting and physical inventory. Students will also learn where Inventory fits in the overall enterprise structure.

This course reflects the logical flow of the processes involved in inventory management. For example, this course covers defining items, receiving items, issuing items, and replenishing items in the same order. The exercises in this course provide hands-on experience on using Oracle Inventory to perform many of the processing and inquiry transactions such as receiving, moving, replenishing inventory items, and generating count tags for physical inventories. The hands-on exercises also help you understand how to use mobile devices to perform transactions such as cycle counting and inventory replenishment. Set up organizations that correspond to your business units in Oracle Applications Perform inventory replenishment Define inventory items for Oracle Supply Chain Applications Perform ABC classification and cycle count Perform inventory transactions Use mobile devices to perform inventory transactions Additionally, in this course, students will learn how to use Oracle Bills of Material to define different types of bills of material to accommodate various business models and scenarios. Students will also learn how to use Oracle Engineering to create and implement engineering change orders. Students will learn how to set up, implement, and use bill of material and engineering information. Students will practice creating bills of material, routings, and engineering change orders. They will also learn how to copy and transfer engineering information to manufacturing.

Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to use Oracle Bills of Material and Oracle Engineering. Create bills of material Create routings Create and implement engineering change orders

Learn To:

  • Implement locator, revision, serial, and lot control for items, and perform transactions for such items
  • Set up shipping networks between inventory organizations and understand the significance of direct shipment and in transit shipment up
  • Create an ABC ranking of items to be used in cycle counting and potentially in determining safety stock levels
  • Calculate lead times
  • Revise, mass update, and delete bill of material and routing information
  • Set up engineering information

    Related Training

    Required Prerequisites
  • R12.x Oracle E-Business Suite Essentials for Implementers


Цель курса:


  • Create engineering change orders
  • Create routings
  • Define and maintain a cycle count
  • Define items in Oracle Inventory
  • Implement engineering change orders
  • Set up item, bill of material, and routing information
  • Understand performing inventory transactions using a mobile device
  • Understand the overall inventory process in Oracle Inventory
  • Understand the planning and replenishment methods available in Oracle Inventory including min-max planning,
  • reorder-point planning, replenishment counting, and Kanban replenishment
  • Understand the role of an item-master organization
  • Understand the structure of an inventory organization in Oracle Inventory


Аудитория курса:


  • Functional Implementer

Программа курса:

R12.x Overview of Oracle Inventory
Objectives. Overview of Oracle Inventory. Inventory Capabilities. Receipt to Issue Life Cycle. Receiving Inventory. Transferring and Issuing Inventory. Oracle Inventory Application Integration.

R12.x Defining Inventory Organizations
Objectives. Inventory Organizations. Sample Inventory Organization. Inventory and Costing Parameters. Defining Subinventories. Dynamic and Static Locators. Organization Hierarchy and Reports. Implementation Considerations.

R12.x Units of Measure
Objectives. Units of Measure and its uses. Unit of Measure Conversions. Lot-Level Unit of Measure Conversions. Units of Measure Setup. Unit of Measure Reports. Profile Options. Organization Parameter Setup.

R12.x Defining and Maintaining Item Fundamentals
Steps to Set Up, Define, and Maintain Items. Item Master Organization. Item Statuses and Attributes. Item Attribute Relationships. Creating Item Templates. Organization Assignment and Organization Items. Restricting Items to Subinventories. Assigning Items to Categories.

R12.x Lot and Serial Control
Setting Up Lot Control. Lot Number Uniqueness. Managing Lots. Expired and Disabled Lots. Lot Number Purging. Generating Serial Numbers. Lot and Serial Genealogy. Lot and Serial Reports.

R12.x Transaction Setup
Overview. Inventory Transactions. Transaction Source Types, Action, Reasons, Types. Predefined Transaction Types. Transaction Managers. Creating Picking Rules. Account Aliases. Accounting Periods.

R12.x Issuing and Transferring Material
Overview of Inventory Transactions. Inventory Transactions With and Without Documents and Requisitions. Control Options and Restrictions. Subinventory Transfer. Inter-Organization Direct and Intransit Shipment. Express Receipts and Receiving Transactions. Benefits of Managed Material Flow in a Facility. Item Allocation.

R12.x On-hand and Availability
Overview of On-hand Quantity, Reservations and Availability. Reservation Versus Allocation. Material Workbench. Material Workbench Transactions. Uses of ATP in Oracle Inventory. Specifying Supply and Demand Time Fences. Setting Up Item and Bills for ATP Checking. Reservation Types.

R12.x Material Status
Material Status Control Levels and Transactions. Cumulative Effective Status. Examples of Material Status. Setting Up Material Status Control. Defining Item Material Status Control. Assigning Material Status Control to Subinventories and Locators. Assigning Planning Statuses. Disabling Material Statuses. 

R12.x Replenishment Fundamentals
Overview of Inventory Planning. Order Planning. Replenishment Process for Intra-Org Supply Sources, Supplier Supply Sources, Inter-Org Supply Sources, Production Supply Sources. Replenishment Methods. Overview of Inventory Forecasting. Forecast Types. Replenishment Method Levels. Reorder-Point Planning Steps. 

R12.x Inventory Accuracy Fundamentals
Overview of Inventory Accuracy and ABC analysis. ABC Compilation Criteria and Valuation Scope. Cycle Count Items. Automatic and Manual Scheduling. Mobile Inventory Accuracy Overview. Defining Physical Inventories. Entering Physical Inventory Counts. Approval Tolerances.

Defining Items
Manufacturing and Engineering Items. Steps to Setup, Define and Maintain Items. Item Templates. Item Attribute Controls. Status Attributes and Functionality. Organization Assignment and Organization Item. Organization Assignments. Overview of Item Cataloging.

Setting Up Bills of Material and Routings
Using the Workday Calendar. Repeating Workday Patterns. Setup for Items and Bills of Material. Bill of Material Parameters. Creating Custom Deletion Constraints. Defining Department Classes, Departments, Locations, Resources. Assigning Resources to Departments. Assigning Shifts to Resources.

Creating Bills of Material
Bills of Material Overview, Types of Bills of Material. Example of BOM. Single Organization Bills of Material. Standard Bills of Material. Valid Parent/Component Relationships. Entering Bills of Material. Creating Reference Designators. Primary and Alternate Bills of Material.

Creating Customized Bills of Material
Item Attributes. Planning Bills of Material. Option Class Bills of Material. Bill of Material Data. Configure To Order Overview, Order Models, Order Process Flow, Order Environments. PTO and ATO BOM Models. Assemble To Order Model. AutoCreate and Deactivate Configuration Items.

Maintaining Bills of Material
Bill of Material Revisions. Item Revisions. Find Indented Bills. Indented Bills of Material. Comparing Bills of Material. Comparing Bill Components. Common Bills of Material. Mass Changing Bills of Material. Create Routings. Routings. Primary and Alternate Routings.

Creating Routings
Routing Operations. Lead Time Management Overview. Manufacturing Lead Time Computations. Lead Time Percent. Fixed and Variable Lead Times.

Maintaining Routings
Routing Revisions. Creating Routing Revisions. Standard Operations. Assigning Resources to Standard Operations. Defining Operation Competencies for Standard Operations. Resource Usage. Viewing Resource Usage. 

Common Bills of Material and Routing Functionality
Copying Bill and Routing Information, Bills of Material, Bill Window, Routing Window. Common Bill and Routing Information, Bills of Material, Bill Window, Routing Window. Bill and Operation Documents. Deleting Items, Bills, Routings, Components, and Operations. Deletion Process, Constraints, Groups, Group Details and Results,Delete Items Report. Bills of Material and Routing Open Interfaces. Importing Bills of Material and Routings. 

Engineering Overview
Engineering Bills of Material and Routings. Transferring or Copying Engineering Items, Bills, and Routings.

Setting Up Engineering
Engineering Setup Flowchart. Setup Steps, Profile Options. Defining ECO Types, Autonumbering, Approval Lists, Material Dispositions, ECO Reasons, ECO Priorities. Starting the AutoImplement Manager.

Creating Engineering Change Orders
Engineering Change Orders Overview. Revised Items, Components, Operations, and Resources. ECO Access Control. Creating an ECO. Viewing ECO Approval Status. Rescheduling an ECO or Revised Items. Defining Implementation Costs, ECO Revision, ECO Revised Items, Revised Operations, Revised Resources, Revised Components. Assigning or Deleting Substitute Components. 

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