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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Oracle \ (R12xOABF) R12.x Oracle HRMS Advanced Benefits Fundamentals

(R12xOABF) R12.x Oracle HRMS Advanced Benefits Fundamentals

Код курса: R12xOABF
(0 голосов)
90 270 р.
Дни3 дня
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

What you will learn

This course teaches you how to set up an employee benefits program using Oracle Advanced Benefits. Taking advantage of the full suite of Advanced Benefits features, students learn to manage benefits administration based on employee life events. Enrollment requirements and dependent designations that you can define help you to control elect-ability of benefits. You’ll learn how to manage coverage calculations—for life insurance type offerings—and actual premiums that you pay to third party providers.

For choice-based benefits programs, the course provides an overview of setting up flex credit accruals. For U.S. students, the course offers an introduction to COBRA and HIPAA implementation. You’ll also learn how to enroll a participant into a benefits offering. Lastly, you'll learn the advantages of using the Total Compensation Setup Wizard to
create a benefits program. 

Required Prerequisites

  • Basic computing skills and understanding of Oracle applications
  • Knowledge of common compensation and benefits administration practices


Цель курса:


  • Set up plans subject to US regulations: Imputed Income, COBRA, and HIPAA
  • Set up the Benefit Service Center, a call center environment for benefits administration
  • Use the Total Compensation Setup Wizard
  • Manage employee benefits based on life events
  • Set up flex credits and benefit pools
  • Define life event reasons and collapsing events
  • Schedule an open enrollment period
  • Set up enrollment requirements, including action items and certifications
  • Manage suspended elections and interim coverage
  • Define requirements for dependent designation
  • Cover dependents and beneficiaries
  • Set up coverage calculations
  • Define actual premiums
  • Trigger employee communications


Аудитория курса:


  • Business Analysts
  • End Users
  • Functional Implementer
  • Project Manager
  • Sales Consultants 

Программа курса:

Overview of Implementing Advanced Benefits
Introducing Advanced Benefits. Reviewing a Sample Implementation and Enrollment. Following the Implementation Steps.

Life Events
Defining Life Events. Defining Collapsing Life Events. Linking Life Events to Compensation Objects.

Benefits Enrollment Requirements
Introducing Enrollment Requirements. Defining Program and Plan Enrollment Requirements. Defining Action Items and Certifications. Managing Suspended Elections and Interim Coverage’s.

Dependent and Beneficiary Designation
Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles. Dependent Designation Requirements. Beneficiary Designations. 

Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations
Defining Variable Rate Profiles. Defining Coverage Calculations. Defining Actual Premiums. Setting up Benefits Elements. Defining Standard Contributions and Distributions.

Flex Credits and Benefits Pools
Defining Flex Credits. Defining Benefits Pools.

Benefits Communications
Defining a Communication Type.

Online Benefits Services
Setting up the Benefits Service Center. 

U.S. Benefits Regulations
Setting Up Imputed Income Plans. Introducing COBRA. Defining COBRA Programs and Plans. Defining COBRA Life Events and Eligibility Profiles. Defining COBRA Activity Rates. Generating HIPAA Certificates.

Benefits Enrollment
Running the Participation Process. Managing Life Events. Enrolling Participants. Covering Dependents and Designating Beneficiaries. Reviewing Enrollment Results.

Total Compensation Setup Wizard
Using the Total Compensation Setup Wizard.

Дни3 дня
Дата курсаПо запросу
ГородВсе города
Формат обученияКорпоративный
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