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Код курса: R12xOLMF
(0 голосов)
90 270 р.
Дни3 дня
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

What you will learn

This course offers a complete introduction to the implementation and use of Oracle Learning Management. Participants familiarize themselves with what decisions they must make before they implement, then learn how to perform implementation tasks such as setting up flexfields, content and conference servers, establishing catalog and content structures, and configuring options such as automatic wait listing and integrations with other applications. 

Participants learn how to administer all aspects of learning management, from catalog and content hierarchies to enrollments, resource allocation, and finance. They learn how to control instructor-led classes and enrollments through a system of class and enrollment statuses. To support the delivery of online learning, participants learn to manage a content hierarchy of learning objects, including imported objects adhering to recognized specifications, and to create question banks and online tests to assess learners' knowledge and skills. They also learn how OLM uses learner and instructor competencies as well as workflow notifications.

Цель курса:


  • Perform implementation tasks such as setting up flexfields, content, and conference servers
  • Establish catalog and content structures
  • Configure options such as automatic wait listing and integrations with other applications
  • Administer all aspects of learning management, from catalog and content hierarchies to enrollments, resource allocation, and finance
  • Control instructor-led classes and enrollments through a system of class and enrollment statuses
  • Manage a content hierarchy of learning objects, including imported objects adhering to recognized specifications
  • Create question banks and online tests to assess learners' knowledge and skills
  • Access Oracle Learning Management as learners, instructors, and managers using the self-service interfaces


Аудитория курса:


  • Business Analysts
  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • End Users
  • Functional Implementer
  • Project Manager
  • Reports Developer
  • Sales Consultants
  • Support Engineer

Программа курса:

Learning Management Overview
Objectives. Learning Management Tasks and Features. Catalog Management. Content Management. Resources. Enrollments. Self-Service Interfaces. Internal and For Profit Learning.

Planning and Decision Making. Integration Decisions. Content Decisions. Decision on Courses. Enrollment Decisions. Resource Decisions. Decisions on Competencies. Security Decisions.

Implementation I: Introduction and Flexfields
Objectives. OLM Implementation Process. Flexfields. Key Flexfield Structure. Training Resource Key Flexfield. Descriptive Flexfields. 

Implementation II: Administration and Organizations
Setting Up Users. Creating Lookups. Defining Business Groups. Defining Training Organizations. Defining a Site Location. 

Implementation III: Catalog and Content
Resources Setup. Delivery Modes. Categories and Courses. Class and Enrollment Statuses. Learners and Training Managers. Content Server Setup. SCORM Adapter Setup. Conference Server Setup.

Implementation IV: Pricing and Finance
Financial Setup. Interface to Your Financial System. Managing Currencies. Cross-Charging. Reports. 

Implementation V: Security and Integrated Applications
Financial Security. Enrollment Status Security. Function and Security Configuration. Role-Based Access Control. Security Groups. Organization Security. Profile Options. Order Management Integration Setup.

Catalog Hierarchy. Categories. Courses. Offerings. Classes and Sessions. Competencies. Web Conferences. Learner Access.

Learning Paths and Learning Certifications
Learning Path Sections and Components. Subscription and Enrollment. Learning Certifications. Completion and Renewal. Learning Certification Statuses.

Content Assembly
Designing the Content Hierarchy. Creating the Content Structure. Creating Learning Objects. Learning Object Content. Quick Offerings. Player Prerequisites.

Test Building
The Test Model. Creating Question Banks. Managing Questions and Responses. Creating Tests. Assembling Tests. Analyzing Test Results.

Import and Export
Import and Export Utilities. Import and Export Specifications. Learning Object Import. Tracking Types. Test Import. Content and Assessment Hierarchy Import. Content Export. Content Upload.

Resource Types. Resources. Suppliers and Customers. Resource Booking. Required Resources. Double-Booking Resources.

Pricing and Finance
Price Lists. Extending and Modifying Price List Entries. Finance Headers and Lines. Finance Transfer Capabilities. Finance Transfer Process. Finance Header and Currency. Cross Charge Training Fees and Resources.

Customer and Worker Enrollments. Waiting List Management. Class Statuses. Enrollment Statuses. Combined Statuses. Enrollment Updates. External Learning. Reporting on Enrollment. 

Self-Service Interfaces
Learner Interface. Manager Interface. Instructor Interface. 

Дни3 дня
Дата курса07.авг / 11.дек
ГородВсе города
Формат обученияКорпоративный
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