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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Oracle \ (R12xOPFA) R12.x Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Administration (Global)

(R12xOPFA) R12.x Oracle Payroll Fundamentals: Administration (Global)

Код курса: R12xOPFA
(0 голосов)
90 270 р.
Дни3 дня
Дата курса
Формат обученияКорпоративный


Описание курса:

What you will learn

This course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.
This course covers the principles involved in processing a payroll for your organization. You learn how to run your payrolls using batch processing, and QuickPay using the flexibility of Oracle Payroll. You understand the different phases of the payroll lifecycle, and see how and when to apply different processes to each payroll phase. You gain an understanding of the Payroll model, setting up pre-processing, payroll processing, and post payroll processing. You learn about making corrections to payroll processes, and which correction method to apply in different situations. The course also introduces you to making adjustments to balances, and other special payroll features. 

Learn To:

  • Identify the types of payroll processes available in Oracle HRMS
  • Identify the payroll lifecycle periods
  • Use Advance Pay and RetroPay
  • Make balance adjustments
  • Make corrections, rollbacks, reversals, and retries


Цель курса:


  • Use the special features of Oracle Payroll
  • View and adjust employee balances
  • Understand the payroll lifecycle
  • Run payrolls using batch and QuickPay processes
  • Run prepayments and payments processes
  • Run costing and transfer to GL processes
  • Manage exceptions and corrections


Аудитория курса:


  • End Users
  • Functional Implementer
  • Sales Consultants
  • Support Engineer
  • Technical Consultant

Программа курса:

R12.1 Payroll Fundamentals: Administration (Global) - Introduction

An Introduction to Payroll Administration
Overview of Payroll Processing. Pay Period Cycle. Batch Processing. QuickPay. Balance Adjustments. RetroPay. Continuous Calculation. Absence Payments.

Payroll Preprocessing
Data Entry. Processing Third Party Payments. BEE Features. Retro Pay. Advanced Pay. 

Payroll Processing
Processing a Payroll. Running a Full Payroll Run. Group Processing. Payroll Processing and Rollback Sequence. Running Payroll in Batch Mode. Making Corrections, Rollbacks, Reversals and Retries. Consolidation Sets. Running QuickPay. 

Payroll Postprocessing 
Processing Payments. Using Cheque Writer/Check Writer. Electronic Funds Transfer. Viewing Payrolls. Voiding Check Payments. Costing and Transfer to GL. Payroll Processing Reports. Wage and Tax Reporting. 

Balance Adjustments
Balancing/Reconciling Payrolls. Balance Dimensions. Predefined Tax Balances. Batch Balance Adjustment Interface. Payroll Adjustments. Creating Adjustment Elements.
Adjust Balance Window.

Special Payroll Features
Defining and Processing RetroPay. Setting Up RetroPay. Processing RetroPay. RetroPay by Element. Continuous Calculation. Proration. Event Groups. Iterative Engine.

R12.1 Payroll Fundamentals: Administration Summary (Global) Summary 

R12.1 Payroll Fundamentals: Administration (Global) Supplemental Student Practices 
Practice - Overview of Payroll Processing. Practice - Payroll PreProcessing. Practice - Payroll Processing. Practice - Post Payroll Processing. Practice - Balance Adjustments. Practice - Special Payroll Features. 

Дни3 дня
Дата курса08.июл / 02.дек
ГородВсе города
Формат обученияКорпоративный
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