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Главная \ Единый Портал Обучения \ Корпоративное обучение \ Cisco Systems \ (AUCCE2) Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Part 2 v.10

(AUCCE2) Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Part 2 v.10

Код курса: AUCCE2
(0 голосов)
296 287 р.
ПроизводительCisco Systems
Дни5 дней
Дата курса

Кому следует посетить

  • Channel Partner / Reseller
  • Customer
  • Employee

Цели курса

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

  • Demonstrate advanced proficiency with add / move / change of the ACD / PBX (agent / skill) environment of UCCE.
  • Demonstrate advanced proficiency with add / move / change of the IVR (prompt / collect) environment of UCCE including both MicroApp and VXML solution scripting (ICM Scripting and Call Studio scripting).
  • Demonstrate effective use of system tools to track and troubleshoot a call within a call flow.

Содержание курса

Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Part 2 (AUCCE Part 2) is a 5 day instructor-led course presented by training partners to system engineers and customers who will be involved with day 2 support of a UCCE solution deployed in a CVP comprehensive environment. This course gives the learner an understanding of the requirements, resources and tools required to perform complex adds, moves and changes in the inbound / outbound UCCE environment. This course is intended for those performing advanced administration of the solution, or who may be responsible for Level 2-3 support of the solution. The overall goal of this course is advanced administration of the solution by a deeper exposure into the technical operational requirements and the tools used to configure and ensure functionality.

Программа курса

  • Module 1: Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise v10 Overview
  • Module 2: CCE Config and Scripting
  • Module 3: CCE (ICM) Advanced Scripting
  • Module 4: Advanced VXML Functionality
  • Module 5: Supporting CCE
Дни5 дней
Дата курсаПо запросу
ГородВсе города
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